
Did Seth Green Wear Wold Makeup In Buffy?

This article is about the werewolf. For other uses, see Oz.

"Well, a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings. Shindig, dip, less mellow song stylings, peradventure a large amount of malt drink. And hootenanny, well, it'due south chock full of hoot, only a trivial bit of nanny."

Daniel "Oz" Osbourne was a member of the Scooby Gang,[1] a werewolf,[2] the guitarist of Dingoes Ate My Baby, and a student at Sunnydale High Schoolhouse[3] then UC Sunnydale.[four] He also was the swain of Willow Rosenberg[5] until he left[half dozen] to Tibet.[7] There, he learned to control his powers[8] and met his married woman Bayarmaa,[nine] with whom he had his son Kelden.[8]


Sunnydale High

Senior year

Oz notices Willow during Halloween.

Oz noticed Willow wearing an Eskimo costume during the Cultural Commutation Dance at the Bronze nightclub and demonstrated interest in her at outset sight.[iii] He saw her from distant as well during Halloween, and expressed adoration for her again.[10] It would accept a while for the 2 to actually meet in person, at a secluded lounge area when they both were potential recruits for a leading software company.[11]

They started seeing each other after he protected her from being shot past the Club of Taraka assassin Patrice during the Career Fair. Patrice, who was disguised equally a police officer, was aiming for the Slayer, Buffy Summers, but accidentally shot Oz in the arm. The wound was superficial merely he did spend some time with his arm in a sling.[12] Though Oz and Willow had several dates later on this, they went into what Willow described every bit "some sort of holding design, except without the property or... annihilation else."[2]

Despite existence shot, Oz however takes a positive opinion on it.

Oz witnessed a vampire being dusted by Buffy while he was Willow's date at a surprise birthday party, thus becoming a member of the Scooby Gang. At the event, he remarked that the existence of vampires explained a lot.[13] When the Scooby Gang attempted to finish the Judge, Oz assisted in obtaining a rocket launcher by taking them to a military compound in his van. He also suggested the Sunnydale Mall as the place where the Guess would probable try to massacre a large number of people, which turned out to be correct.[i]

Soon subsequently, Oz discovered that he had go a werewolf, turning into a monster on the dark of the total moon and the two nights surrounding it. He had been bitten past his pre-adolescent cousin Jordy when he amused him. He chosen his aunt Maureen to ask if he was indeed a werewolf, who confirmed her son's condition.[ii]

Oz transforms into a werewolf.

Worried that the Scoobies would take to impale him, Oz hid that he was the ane who during attacked at Lovers' Lane and the Statuary during his transformation. On the tertiary full moon night, Oz attempted to restrain himself with shackles and bondage, but Willow interrupted his attempt when she arrived to confront him about his recent distant behavior. After transforming, Oz chased after Willow, but he was nigh killed past werewolf hunter Gib Cain for his pelt, but was saved by Buffy and the Scooby Gang. The following morn, Oz suggested staying out of Willow'southward way for a while, but she assured him she was okay with him being in her mode, so they shared their first kiss.[two]

With the Scoobies' help, Oz quickly found a way to minimize the danger posed by the wolf: he locked himself into a cage for the appropriate nights, watched over by the Scoobies in shifts.[fourteen] He also began consistently aiding the Scooby Gang, in one case searching for Buffy when she became a rat[5] and assisting Willow in preforming the Ritual of Restoration to restore Angelus' soul.[15]

Repeated senior year

Due to several incompletes and failing to attend summer school, Oz did not graduate with the rest of his grade and was forced to echo his senior yr. This put him in the same class as the remainder of the gang.[sixteen]

Oz attempts to toss a stake at a fleeing vampire.

Before Buffy returned to Sunnydale after she left for Los Angeles in the previous months, Oz accompanied Willow, Xander and Cordelia Chase in hunting vampires. However, their joint effort wasn't very effective: he claimed they had a success charge per unit of six out of ten.[16] Upon Buffy'due south arrival back, he with his friends organized Buffy's welcome back party which Dingoes Ate My Infant played at.[17]

During the year, he continued to handle his transformations well except for when he was suspected for killing Jeffrey Walken. It turned out he had actually been killed past the mutated Pete Clarner, who then likewise tried to kill Oz because he suspected he was involved with his girlfriend Debbie Foley. This was during dusk of a full moon night, however, so Pete forced Oz out of his muzzle just before Oz transformed. This fabricated them evenly matched. Afterward Buffy arrived, Oz ran off downwards the school halls and was apprehended by Willow and Organized religion Lehane who tranquilized him.[fourteen]

Oz and Xander arrive likewise late.

When Buffy, Willow and Amy Madison were at the risk of existence burned at the stake by MOO (an anti-witchcraft parent organization under the influence of a demon), Oz and Xander attempted to save them by sneaking through the ventilation shafts of the building where the executions where going to take identify. Their efforts were overshadowed by the rescue from Rupert Giles and Cordelia Hunt, however. Willow'south mother forgot everything about the ordeal except for Willow telling her she was dating a musician, forcing Oz to run across Willow'south parents at dinner.[eighteen]

Oz was briefly released in wolf form when the Sisterhood of Jhe attempted to open up the Hellmouth. In the school'south basement he encountered, killed and devoured a zombie named Jack O'Toole, who was just convinced by Xander to disarm a bomb he planted in the school. The next day Oz mentioned that he felt "full," only didn't know why.[19]

After Willow and Xander were kidnapped and trapped by the vampire Spike, Oz and Cordelia were able to runway them downwards using Oz'due south heretofore unknown enhanced sense of smell. They found Willow and Xander kissing, causing Oz to break up with Willow.[xx] They got back together several weeks later on after Oz confessed he missed her.[21]

Oz was held hostage by Willow'south vampire counterpart from an alternative dimension when she raided the Bronze. Oz attempted to speak to her just was only recognized every bit his ain counterpart from her dimension, a vampire hunter.[22]

Oz wielding a bow and arrow during the Graduation Day battle.

Oz and Willow had sexual activity before the impending confrontation with the evil Mayor Richard Wilkins, concerned that they might die in boxing.[23] Willow lost her virginity while Oz, despite having already lost his, admitted that "everything is different." He took part in Graduation Twenty-four hours boxing, commanding a number of students armed with bows with flaming arrows. Subsequently the loftier school blew up, Oz remarked that they survived, to which Buffy agreed proverb it was "one heck of a battle." He corrected her that he did not mean the the boxing, but loftier school.[24]


After graduating, he attended UC Sunnydale with Buffy and Willow and enrolled in Introduction to Psychology by Professor Maggie Walsh with them. Unlike the other ii, he did not have a dorm room, merely stayed in a house off campus forth with the rest of the band.[4] Because the cage he used to lock himself upwards on the nights around the total moon[14] was destroyed forth with the rest of Sunnydale Loftier during the fight confronting the Mayor,[24] he locked himself upward in a cage in a crypt at a local cemetery.[vi]

After Buffy obtained the Gem of Amarra from Spike who used it in an effort to kill her during the day,[25] Oz offered to deliver information technology to Buffy's ex-beau and vampire Angel. He traveled to L.A. and dropped it off at Angel Investigations while he was in the urban center for a gig. Earlier returning to Sunnydale, Oz helped Cordelia, Doyle, and Angel prevent Spike from getting the Precious stone of Amarra. Fasten had too traveled to L.A. and hired the vampire Marcus to torture Angel for the Gem's location. Oz intervened just in fourth dimension past driving into the building that Angel was kept in, rescuing Angel and so taking him to the pier where Marcus was, who had had taken the gem himself.[26]

Oz'due south greatest fear comes at the worst of times.

Despite the appearance that he had come to terms with his lycanthropy rather hands, it turned out he did concur dandy fear of his werewolf side. During a Halloween political party, the fear demon Gachnar was summoned, whose presence materialized the fears of everyone withing the edifice. This caused Oz to partially transform into the wolf, though he tried to prevented information technology past decision-making his fearfulness while hiding in a bathtub.[27] Moreover, gradually, he started to run across that he and the wolf were not as separate as he liked to believe. Although in love with Willow, he was still drawn to another musician and werewolf, Veruca, a fellow UC Sunnydale student who, unlike Oz, considered the wolf to be her truthful cocky.[vi]

Unable to command his primal urges, he spent a night in the muzzle with Veruca as wolves before killing her at the following sunset to protect Willow. Willow was appalled by his betrayal and tried to use magic to curse both of them, merely didn't go through with it. The following morn, Oz resolved to immediately exit Sunnydale so as not to endanger his friends further. He dropped out of UC Sunnydale and left in his van, only taking a few essentials with him.[6] He later contacted Devon to ship the remainder of his belongings to him only did non contact Willow, which greatly upset her.[28]

Oz traveled on the road and somewhen overseas. He went through Mexico where his van broke down, forcing him to trade his bass guitar to take information technology fixed and garaged.[7] In Romania he met Dragomir,[8] who sent him to Tibet. There, Buddhist monks taught him to suppress his transformations during the full moon with the assistance of charms, herbs, chanting, and meditation.[7] Here he also met a Tibetan woman and beau werewolf, Bayarmaa, who tended to him during his stay in the monastery and with whom he meditated.[viii]

With the techniques learnt in Tibet, Oz passes a full moon without transforming.

Some months later, Oz returned to Sunnydale, believing that his lycanthropy was under control through techniques learned in Tibet, hoping to rejoin college and be with Willow over again.[7] Although the moon no longer affected him, he could notwithstanding take the wolf form when faced with strong emotion ("negative stimulation"), such as anger or pain. This transformation could occur during the day. He was unaware of this and unintentionally transformed when he discovered that Tara Maclay had replaced him in Willow's affections. He chased her through the campus hallway earlier he was seized by the Initiative, a war machine demon inquiry facility that kept him imprisoned. They treated him to roughshod experiment, such as electrocuting him, forcibly making him plow from homo to creature.[7]

He was put in a jail cell among other captive demons, naked and lonely, until he was rescued past Buffy's boyfriend and Initiative amanuensis Riley Finn. After dressing, Riley tried to sneak Oz out but they were then defenseless past Riley's boyfriend agents. Buffy, notwithstanding, snuck into the military base dressed as a scientist and held Colonel McNamara earnest in exchange for Oz. The trade worked as planned but Riley was forced to get out the Initiative. Oz decided to exit Sunnydale again. He and Willow left on friendly terms, she fifty-fifty admitted that she expected to encounter him again at some point in her life.[7]


Oz returned to Tibet to continue the Buddhist practices of herbs, chants, and meditation to hold back the wolf, but realized naught worked anymore. He was tempted to give in to his wolf side and lose himself in information technology, merely did non, when Bayarmaa told him about the original Tibetan religion Bon. The two studied the original scriptures and built upon the organized religion to brand their own traditions, which came down to seeing the spiritual life in all things in the world and beingness quietly aware that they were role of it all. The secret was not to bottle the wolf, just to permit its energy menstruation through them without taking them, letting it pass into the world effectually them, then "the wolf is pulled into the globe."[8]

Oz and Bayarmaa became involved and eventually had a son together, whom they named Kelden.[8]

Oz with his married woman Bay and son Kelden.

The word about their accomplishments spread, prompting other werewolves to come to Tibet in hope of a cure. Ane of them was Monroe, who, although his progress was promising, went out into the world too soon. He "got tempted, lost his focus, forgot to let the ability pass through him," and soon headed a grouping with beliefs like to those of Veruca. During a full moon they entered the monastery and killed many of the monks, and intended to kill Bayarmaa and Oz if not for Bay transforming and incapacitating Monroe, prompting the residuum of the group to flee. The group however posed a danger to Oz and his family, who carried knives with them at all times.[8]

When the Scooby Gang arrived in a behemothic submarine outside of the monastery, Oz agreed to attempt a like suppression for Willow and the Slayers' magical powers as Twilight, homing in on their magic, closed in on them, but stressed the considerable danger that Buffy brought to his doorstep.[8] Oz was injured in the battle against Twilight, but his injuries were small-scale.[29] Later on the battle, Willow assured Oz they would leave later on clearing up their mess and apologized for bringing state of war to a place of peace. Oz responded that, as this was Tibet, they were not the first to do then.[30]

Personality and traits

"Yous always know what to say, when you bother to talk."

Oz was well known for his discrete and collected demeanor and ironic arroyo to life, masking a deeply philosophical interior. For example, he took the being of the supernatural in stride, remarking that it "explained a lot,"[xiii] and reacted to the sight of a massive submarine teleporting outside of his monastery with a elementary "Huh."[31] Oz also had a characteristic and smoothen sense of sense of humour, being witty and intellectual. Equally noted by Xander, Oz tended to express himself in short, non-committal phrases.[19] He approached life and situations rather eccentrically, one time informing Willow that he would later on ask her out on a date and request what she would call up of that, despite claiming he was unsure and nervous about it.[thirteen] Buffy claimed that Oz had a "trademark stoicism."[half-dozen]

When it came to him being a werewolf, Oz took this seriously and was very prudent about the risk he posed to others and how it afflicted him. He asked the Slayer Faith about her position on dealing with werewolves while she was reminiscing nearly her own enjoyment from slaying.[32] His love for Willow led him to leaving her and abandoning college to seek out a cure.[half-dozen] [vii]



In high school, Oz typically wore t-shirts underneath a bowling shirt, jeans and blackness boots. In college, he wore sneakers, baggy pants and a sheepskin jacket when outside. He also sometimes wore ear piercings, studded bracelets and sported blackness painted nails. [citation needed]

While in Tibet, he wore saffron colored monk'due south robes and sandals.[viii] Upon his render to Sunnydale from Tibet he displayed a more natural look than before, wearing a v-cervix sweater and prayer chaplet.[7] These prayer beads became a permanent role of his appearance, never taking them off from this signal on. After moving to Tibet permanently, his outfits were mostly mixes of what he wore previously, ranging from monk'due south robes with a t-shirt over it, a combination of a long-sleeved shirt and a t-shirt, band shirts and sweaters.[8] [thirty]


During high school, Oz usually kept his hair brusk, straight and spiked. In belatedly 1997, Oz had a slight goatee[3] which he eventually shaved. In higher, Oz'southward hair was slightly longer, [commendation needed] but after he left Sunnydale and afterward returned, it was short again.[vii]

One of Oz'due south most notable features was his hair colour that continuously inverse:

  • Earlier coming together Willow, Oz had light carmine hair.[3]
  • He dyed it chestnut brown subsequently his kickoff coming together with Willow, who noticed the alter.[12]
  • Oz dyed his hair blond after his first monthly transformations.[5]
  • During the outset months of his repeated senior year, Oz had dark hair with calorie-free spikes, which teenage Principal Snyder thought was "bully hair."[16]
  • Oz dyed his hair black around the fourth dimension he began dating Willow once again.[33]
  • Oz dyed his hair blond shortly before graduation.[34]
  • At graduation Oz had dark hair with light spikes again.[23]
  • During college and in Tibet, Oz had auburn hair.[4]


During his commencement transformation cycle, Oz's wolf form was bipedal with a long snout, brown-grayish fur, erected ears and long, primal easily hands with sharp nails.[2] In further transformations his wolf grade had a quadrupedal torso, a modest tail, longer black fur with white fur on the lower part of his body, while his face remained bare with a wrinkled, pale, more-human advent and a flatter nose.[5] [xix] [6] [7]

Powers and abilities

Oz was a werewolf, pregnant that he had the potential to transform into a berserk, lupine creature with enhanced strength, speed, stamina and sense of smell. He, similar most werewolves, changed into animal form on the night of a full moon, the night preceding it, and the night post-obit information technology.[2] After, Oz acquired some level of control over his form by traveling around the world and learning about herbs, meditative techniques, and other forms of little-known treatment for his condition. He preferred to stay human and only changed nether neat emotional stress.[six] By letting the free energy of the wolf menstruum into the earth, he did non transform at all anymore, although the potential was nonetheless there, as evidenced by Bay.[8]

Oz in wolf course.

Oz had a highly enhanced sense of aroma even when in homo form. He was able to smell Willow from great distance although she didn't fifty-fifty wear perfume. Oz could likewise tell that she was fearful by her smell, mimicking an ability ofttimes attributed to many animals, especially canines.[twenty]

He demonstrated that werewolves could exert influence on their actions in bestial form: when Oz transformed for his battle with Veruca, he instantly attacked her until she was dead, completely ignoring Willow until killing Veruca.[six]

Oz had sufficient dexterity and aptitude with bows, using them on several occasions, including the boxing against the mayor[24] and in helping Affections Investigations fight off Spike and Marcus.[26]

Oz was a skilled musician, specializing in electrical guitar. He was knowledgeable with regards to popular culture.[35]



"A werewolf in dearest..."

Willow and Oz share their first osculation.

  • Willow Rosenberg — Oz was mystified when first seeing Willow during the World Civilization Dance. He noticed Willow dressed as an Eskimo at the food tabular array in the Bronze during his band's performance, showing interest in her while Devon was more interested in the beautiful Inca Princess.[3] He then saw her during Halloween when she passed by his van while dressed provocatively.[x] They finally met on Career Day when their exceptional intellects led them to being recruited by a software visitor. Later that day after Oz was treated for his bullet wound, they struck up a conversation well-nigh why the monkeys in animate being crackers were the merely one to wear pants.[11] When dating, Willow approached the relationship with circumspection, nervously request Oz if he wanted to make out with her[one] while he took a calmer position, adoring Willow's worrying and cheerful personality and oft calling her 'cute'. After Willow cheated on him, he, unlike Cordelia, took fourth dimension to work things out before rekindling what they had because he missed her.[21] When it came to taking intimate steps, Oz was willing to allow them to attain that point when they were both ready while Willow tried to prove herself by preparing a romantic dark during Christmas.[21] Willow was kidnapped and held at ransom by the Mayor Wilkins, causing Oz to angrily destroy the cauldron used to destroy the Box of Gavrok later Wesley refused to to merchandise it for Willow.[36] They eventually fabricated love before graduation, worried they might both die in the battle against the Mayor. When she claimed she felt "different," Oz responded that he knew exactly what she meant, despite not being a virgin himself.[24] Oz and Willow maintained their close-knit romantic bail during their first few months at UC Sunnydale. He began having an intense attraction for Veruca, a boyfriend werewolf. He was initially bewildered by this and repressed it due to his deep devotion to Willow,[37] only eventually faltered. On the night of the total moon, he awoke with Veruca in the woods, having slept with her while they were in wolf form. Oz had no retention of this and became consumed with confusion and guilt. Veruca tried to coax him to accept his dark side and her, merely he refused. Picking up on her unsafe and volatile nature, he locked her in the cage with him, sleeping with her once again in the process when he wolfed out. His relationship with Willow came to a screeching halt when she walked in on this, aroused and sorrowful. Oz tried to explain that he believed he had no choice, just to take her ignore him. Later saving Willow from Veruca'south effort on her life, Oz decided to leave Sunnydale to find out how to control his lycanthropy. He confronted a tear-streaked Willow who desperately tried to convince him to stay. Sorrowful, he did not modify his mind simply made certain to tell her he loved her earlier leaving Sunnydale.[6] Oz would later send for the remaining belongings he left in Sunnydale, only did non show upwardly himself. This only caused Willow more despair, reigniting the pain of his deviation.[28] When he returned to Sunnydale, believing his goal was accomplished, he learned of Willow's relationship with Tara. Oz's strong emotional response to this led him to transform during the day. Since he could not truly cure his lycanthropy, Oz left Willow once, knowing she was happy with Tara.[seven] When Oz met Willow once again, he still retained a fondness and amore towards Willow. However, he had fully moved on from her romantically, having falling in love with Bay.[viii] When Willow visited Wonderland, Oz featured prominently in visions and flashback of "things about of import."[38] [39]

Veruca and Oz.

  • Veruca — During college, both Oz and Veruca took involvement in each other before meeting due to them being both werewolves.[xl] Unlike Willow, Veruca shared Oz's noesis and interest of music, giving them more than to talk nigh. Willow became enlightened of the attraction Oz felt towards Veruca because he blushed behind his ears, which Willow insisted was meant for her just. Despite their opposing viewpoints well-nigh beingness werewolves, Oz and Veruca slept together twice during their werewolf transformations, first when Oz got out of his cage and 2nd in his cage when he tried to preclude her from harming anyone. Veruca, assertive they belonged together, tried to kill Willow after she found out nigh them. Oz intervened just as he and Veruca began transforming. Veruca first encouraged him to kill Willow and, while he was still threatening to Willow, Oz instead turned against Veruca and tore out her throat in the subsequent fight.[6]
  • Bayarmaa — The two met in Tibet and fell in dearest while they studied the Tibetan religion Bon. They married and Bay gave birth to their son Kelden. They resided in a Tibetan temple with their pet dog, where together they taught other werewolves to overcome their demons.[eight]


  • Devon MacLeish — Oz and Devon were bandmates, both members of Dingoes Ate My Baby. Though Devon was not in league with Oz'southward intelligence, Oz never responded negatively to Devon's simple-minded or rough comments.[3] After Oz left Sunnydale, he contacted Devon to ship his belongings to him, which he did.[28] Upon his return, Oz went to Devon to ask if he had a identify for him to stay.[7]
  • Alexander Harris — Xander at kickoff distrusted Oz when he started dating Willow, due to his natural distrust of someone in a band as well as some jealousy on his part.[2] Xander eventually got over his jealousy of Oz's human relationship with Willow and the two became friends, though Oz did punch him when Xander upset Willow by rejecting her advances while she was under a love spell.[5] After Willow cheated on Oz with Xander, Oz never expressed any hostility towards him (though Xander noted he could tell Oz was angry with him due to his eyes, describing it every bit a "verbal not-exact")[eighteen] and the 2 apace maintained mutual respect. When Xander questioned Oz near the best mode to become cool like him, Oz commented Xander had some identity issues, just that this was not the end of the world.[nineteen] When reuniting in college, the two refrained from hugging equally they both agreed they both were "besides manly,"[4] instead shaking easily. When Oz returned from Tibet, Xander was the commencement to step up to him and shake his hand while the others seemed uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.[7] A yr afterward, Xander made a rough joke about sexbots only to earn glares from everyone, causing Xander to say "Too many girls. I miss Oz. He'd get it. He wouldn't say anything merely... he'd get information technology."[41]
  • Buffy Summers — Buffy and Oz got along very well. Oz had dandy respect for Buffy and would always follow her orders without question. When Buffy enrolled in UC Sunnydale, she had confided in him about her unbearable roommate Kathy Newman, which was a cause of business organisation for Oz due to how aroused she had been.[twoscore] Oz as well agreed without question to requite the Gem of Amarra to her ex-boyfriend Angel on Buffy's orders; he took it to him, since he had a gig at that place anyway.[25] Like Xander and Willow, Oz was angry with Parker Abrams for using Buffy for sexual practice and "wanted to smack him," expressing sympathy towards her.[27] Buffy liked Oz with Willow, assertive him to be good for her at the time and had defended him and Willow's feelings for him against her boyfriend Riley who had a black-and-white view of humans and monsters. Buffy insisted that Oz couldn't help the way he was and that dear wasn't rational.[7] Years afterwards, Buffy went after Oz to seek aid for the Slayer Arrangement to suppress their powers,[viii] then he assisted the group in the ensuing boxing against Twilight.[29]
  • Cordelia Chase — Oz and Cordelia knew each other earlier they were members of the Scooby Gang, as they interacted when Cordelia dated Oz'due south band mate, Devon.[3] During the fourth dimension when they both were Scoobies, the two seemed to get forth well, with Cordelia never expressing the same hostility towards him every bit she did with the others. Oz in turn regarded her in a friendly manner just often seemed somewhat amused by her behavior, for example ironically wondering why he "couldn't meet a prissy girl like that" after Cordelia ranted to him about Devon not showing upwardly to a date.[3] When Oz visited Angel Investigations in Los Angeles Cordelia was delighted to run into him, hugging him, asking him virtually how the gang was going and calling him the "total embodiment of all things Sunnydale," simply they quickly ran out of things to say.[26]


  • Tara Maclay — When Oz returned to Sunnydale, Tara immediately felt nervous around Oz due to her human relationship with Willow. Tara visited Willow's room the following morning and Oz answered the door, making her nervous once again. When she later walked by him in the halls of UC Sunnydale, Oz smelled Willow'southward odour on her and confronted her. Oz deduced that she and Willow were in a romantic human relationship. Out of acrimony and hurting, he took the wolf grade and chased Tara. He was captured by the Initiative before she could talk to the soldiers.[vii]
  • Monroe — Monroe was a werewolf who joined Oz'south monastery to learn to control his transformations. Though initially a successful student, he eventually came to concur views similar to those of Veruca, assertive the wolf to be the best part of them. When Monroe and his group slaughtered many of the Buddhist monks residing in the Tibetan monastery out of anger at his former teachers, Oz seemed to want to defuse the state of affairs, calmly telling a transformed Monroe he did not have to do this. Monroe would not hear information technology and tried to attack Oz, merely for Bayarmaa to transform and protect herself and Oz.[viii] When Oz joined Buffy'southward side in the battle against the Twilight Group, Monroe came to join them. He explained that fighting confronting Twilight meant Oz was fighting to preserve magic, which he said meant that Oz had now come to his side.[29]


  • Rupert Giles — Every bit Buffy'due south Watcher, Giles served as Oz's main source of information on his wolf status,[2] as well equally providing Oz with a cage to go along him independent during the full moon.[19] [14] The pair had a shared dearest of music and Oz was deeply gratuitous of Giles' vinyl record collection.[25]
  • Angel — Oz and Angel rarely interacted, mainly due to the fact that Oz joined the gang during the attack of the Judge that saw Affections losing his soul for the commencement time.[1] After Angel regained his soul and returned to Earth, he and Oz maintained a civil interaction, such as when they witnessed the arrival of the vampire Willow in their world.[22] Oz also quickly volunteered to provide Angel with the Jewel of Amara when Buffy claimed it.[25] When Oz arrived in Los Angeles, he and Affections exchanged brief words, Cordelia noting that their chat was typical of their relationship.[26]
  • Allen Francis Doyle — Oz met him briefly when helping Doyle and Cordelia rescue Angel from Spike and the torturer Marcus.[26]
  • Riley Finn — While Oz only met him briefly, Riley turned on his Initiative colleagues to rescue Oz when they caught him and experimented on him even subsequently he turned back into a human.[seven]


Behind the scenes

  • He was portrayed by Seth Green.
  • Oz was briefly described in the shooting script for "Inca Mummy Girl," the offset episode he appears in: "There's a placidity restraint and total lack of bitterness to [Oz's] sarcasm; where Devon is your typical excitable stone and roller, Oz is completely unflappable. His is the kind of cool that is completely unaware of itself."
  • The spelling of Oz's final name as Osbourne (rather than Osborne or Osborn) originates from the original shooting script of the episode "The Initiative."
  • Oz was showtime a recurring character in the second season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, appearing in x episodes in that season. He was and then promoted to the regular cast in flavour iii, appearing in 21 of the 22 episodes in that season (he was absent in "Consequences"). He then continued every bit regular in the fourth season for the first 6 episodes before lastly appearing in 2 guest star appearances ("New Moon Rising" and "Restless"). During his regular appearances in season iv, he made a guest appearance in the kickoff season of Angel in the episode "In the Dark." Overall Oz has appeared in a full of 40 episodes: 39 on Buffy and 1 guest appearance on Affections.
  • Seth Green abruptly left the show early into the fourth season to pursue a career in movies, defending his actions saying that his graphic symbol was meliorate in a recurring capacity. [citation needed]
  • There are iii Oz-centric episodes: "Phases," "Wild at Heart," and "New Moon Rising." Marti Noxon states in the DVD commentaries that these episodes are viewed every bit a "Willow/Oz trilogy."
  • Oz was originally supposed to be the one killed off by Angelus in Buffy season two, but the character'south positive fan reaction resulted in the writers swapping him for Jennifer Calendar. [commendation needed]
  • Had at that place been a sixth season of Angel, there were plans to bring Oz back, about likely to help Nina with her lycanthrophy. [citation needed]



Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Classic
  • Wu-Tang Fang
  • The Grit Waltz (Only mentioned)
  • Halloween
  • Common cold Turkey
  • White Christmas
  • Happy New Year
  • New Kid on the Block, Office One
  • The Last Cutting
  • Hey, Good Lookin', Part One
  • Hey, Good Lookin', Part Two
  • A Boy Named Sue
  • A Nice Girl Similar You lot
  • The Latest Craze
  • Bad Dog
  • Delia'south Gone
  • Dearest Ill Blues
  • Lost Highway
  • The Food Chain
  • Your Cheatin' Heart
  • She'south No Lady
  • Former Friend
  • Take Dorsum the Night
  • Ring of Burn
  • Cemetery of Lost Love (Simply mentioned)
  • Oz, Office One
  • Oz, Function Two
  • Oz, Part Three
  • Haunted, Office One
  • Haunted, Part Two
  • Haunted, Part Three
  • Haunted, Office Four (Simply mentioned)
  • Annotation from the Secret, Function Three (Only in flashbacks)
Spike comics
  • Spike: Lost and Constitute (Only in flashbacks)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer novels
  • Blooded
  • Child of the Hunt
  • Return to Chaos
  • The Affections Chronicles, Book ii
  • Out of the Madhouse
  • The Xander Years, Volume ane
  • Ghost Roads
  • Sons of Entropy
  • The Angel Chronicles, Book 3
  • Unnatural Pick
  • Sunnydale High Yearbook
  • Obsidian Fate
  • Power of Persuasion
  • Immortal
  • Sins of the Begetter
  • The Willow Files, Volume 1
  • Resurrecting Ravana
  • Deep Water
  • Prime Evil
  • The Xander Years, Volume two
  • Here Be Monsters
  • The Evil That Men Do
  • Paleo
  • Ghoul Trouble
  • Revenant
  • The Willow Files, Volume 2
  • The Book of Fours
  • The Faith Trials
  • The Journals of Rupert Giles
  • Oz: Into the Wild
  • The Cordelia Drove
  • "All That You Do Comes Dorsum Unto Thee" (Only mentioned)
  • Chaos Bleeds (But mentioned)
  • Keep Me in Mind
  • Queen of the Slayers
  • Spark and Burn
  • Colony
  • Night Terrors
  • Bad Bargain
  • The Deathless
  • Dark Congress
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Picture Book
  • Chosen


  1. 1.0 1.1 one.ii one.3 "Innocence"
  2. 2.0 2.1 ii.2 ii.three two.four 2.5 2.six ii.7 "Phases"
  3. three.0 iii.1 3.ii 3.three 3.iv 3.5 3.7 "Inca Mummy Girl"
  4. iv.0 4.ane 4.2 iv.3 "The Freshman"
  5. 5.0 5.ane five.2 5.3 5.iv "Bugged, Bothered & Bewildered"
  6. half dozen.00 six.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 six.05 half dozen.06 6.07 half dozen.08 6.09 6.10 "Wild at Heart"
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 vii.03 7.04 7.05 vii.06 vii.07 7.08 vii.09 7.10 7.11 vii.12 7.thirteen 7.14 7.15 "New Moon Ascent"
  8. eight.00 eight.01 8.02 8.03 viii.04 viii.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 eight.09 8.10 viii.11 viii.12 viii.13 8.14 Retreat, Part Ii
  9. "Scott Allie Q&A for #27 - August '09". SlayAlive Forum, Baronial 5, 2009.
  10. x.0 ten.i "Halloween"
  11. eleven.0 11.1 "What'southward My Line? Office 1"
  12. 12.0 12.i "What's My Line? Part Two"
  13. 13.0 13.ane 13.2 "Surprise"
  14. 14.0 fourteen.1 14.2 14.three Beauty and the Beasts"
  15. "Becoming, Part Two"
  16. 16.0 16.1 sixteen.2 "Anne"
  17. "Dead Homo'southward Political party"
  18. 18.0 eighteen.1 "Gingerbread"
  19. xix.0 19.1 nineteen.2 19.3 19.4 "The Zeppo"
  20. xx.0 twenty.1 "Lovers Walk"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 "Amends"
  22. 22.0 22.1 "Doppelgangland"
  23. 23.0 23.1 "Graduation Twenty-four hour period, Part I"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.ii 24.3 "Graduation Day, Part Two"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 "The Harsh Lite of Day"
  26. 26.0 26.2 26.3 26.4 "In the Dark"
  27. 27.0 27.1 "Fright, Itself"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 "Something Blue"
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Retreat, Role Four
  30. 30.0 thirty.1 Turbulence
  31. Retreat, Office One
  32. "Faith, Hope & Trick"
  33. "Bad Girls"
  34. "Enemies"
  35. "Helpless"
  36. "Choices"
  37. "Beer Bad"
  38. Wonderland, Part One
  39. Wonderland, Part Iv
  40. 40.0 forty.1 "Living Conditions"
  41. "I Was Made to Dearest You"


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